(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 200%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[[Unsolved: FILE #87 Missing Persons Report - Jafar The Superstar.|FILE 87: Jafar]]]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.6s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 200%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[[Solved: FILE #86 The Tofurky Recipe - Astral Robbery.|FILE 86: Tofurkey]]]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.9s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 200%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[[Solved: FILE #85 Spreading Thanatophobia - Clairvoyant Intimidation.|FILE 85: Death Scares]]]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:1.2s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 200%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[[Forwarded: FILE #84 The 2001 Election - Telepathic Voting Coercion. |FILE 84: Election]]]
(css: "font-size: 220%;")+(font:"Irish Grover")+(text-style:"buoy")+(text-style: "emboss")+(color:#9C0F9E)
[Experience life as]
<span class="largeimage"><img src="https://files.persona.co/108759/jafar-the-superstar1.gif"></span>(font: "Annie Use Your Telescope")+(css: "font-size: 90%;")+(text-color:#D943C9)[**The official homepage of Jafar The Superstars** ](font: "Annie Use Your Telescope")+(css: "font-size: 90%;")+(text-color:#87297C)[[LiveLink®]]
(bg: #D943C9)+(font: "Libre Baskerville")+(color:white)+(text-style: "expand")+(transition:"slide-left")[//[[Fashion|Fashion]] | [[thots&poetry|Poetry]] | [[~The Enchanted Corner~|Fortunetelling]] | {(if: $witch is false)[(link-repeat: "SHAME LOBE!!!")[(alert: "This content requires a paid subscription. Upgrade your PSYCHNET membership!")]](if: $witch is true)[[[SHAME LOBE!!!|Scandals]]]}//]
{(font: "Irish Grover")+(css: "font-size: 160%;")+(text-color:#9C0F9E)+(transition:"flicker")
[**Dive into the diva's diva dreamworld!**]}
<div class="homepage"><style> img {
max-height: 50%;}</div>
[</style><img src=https://files.persona.co/108759/daily-motivation2.gif>
(bg: #D943C9)+(css: "font-size: 85%")+(font: "Libre Baskerville")+(color:#470046)
[(css: "font-size: 100%")[''Currently on workcation!'']
You might've noticed I haven't been posting for a while, Well that's because I'm on workcation: vacation for work! 😍
I've been treated an all expenses paid trip to the Palagenese Riviera courtesy of BlinkFlights™, the Utopia's No.1 teleportation agency.
Can't wait to tell you all about it when I'm back! But for now, why not check out some of my most popular memory clusters?
xoxo, JTS]</div></div>
(css: "font-size: 60%;")+(color:black)[A [[LiveLink®]] service.
Powered by [[PSYCHNET]]]
<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/66503c_8e1abb18a9324f5cb1a3134d912d279c.mp3" autoplay loop>
(if: visits is 1)[(alert: "New message: 'DON'T TRUST THEM!!' from 'the crow'")]
(set: $visitedjafarshomepage to true)
}in passage: Pink gradiet background: (enchant: ?page, (background:(gradient:90, 0,#FF33C7, 0.2,#FF5BD2, 0.4,#EA3EEA, 0.6,#EA3EAE, 0.8,#FF5CDF, 1,#EE4BA6)))
in passage: visiting code (tracks how many times something has been visited):
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För att lägga till en liten svart ruta i hörnet, eventuell sidebar:
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in passage: Fade in image:
(transition:"fade") + (transition-delay:1s) + (transition-time: 6s)
in passage: When wanting things to be typed out write following code in passage (example text):
{(live:250ms)[<p class="css-typing">Hello Typewriter!</p>(stop:)]}
in passage: When wanting text to fade in (example text):
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(css: "font-size: 150%;")+(color:#004AAD)+(font: "cormorantgaramond")+(transition:"fade") + (transition-delay:2s) + (transition-time: 2s)[**Where lives connect.**]
(color:#004AAD)+(font: "cormorantgaramond")+(transition:"fade") + (transition-delay:4s) + (transition-time: 2s)[Have you ever wanted to follow in someone's footsteps?
Feel, breathe and taste their life?
See what's going on inside the head of your favorite celebrity?
With LiveLink® you finally can!]
(color:#004AAD)+(font: "cormorantgaramond")+(transition:"fade") + (transition-delay:7s) + (transition-time: 2s)[Our intricate extrasensory neurotechnology uploads millions of people's experiences to the [[PSYCHNET]] for your curiosity, creativity and exploration... in real-time! Browse hours of curated digital media, custom content and intimate scenarios. Witness their life-changing events, funny moments and memories JUST AS THEY ARE HAPPENING!
This is LiveLink®. This is where lives connect.]
(if: $takentest is false)[(css: "font-size: 100%;")+(color:#004AAD)+(font: "cormorantgaramond")+(transition:"fade") + (transition-delay:10s) + (transition-time: 2s)[Want to become a partnering content creator on LiveLink®?
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(else:)[(css: "font-size: 100%;")+(color:#004AAD)+(font: "cormorantgaramond")+(transition:"fade") + (transition-delay:10s) + (transition-time: 2s)[Thanks for signing up, we'll be back!]]{
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<!--(if: visits is 1)[(alert: "New message from Nahita from LiveLink.")]
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[[(NEW) LiveLink Services - "Partnership eligibility"|SIGN UP MSSG]]]](else-if: $readsignup is true)[(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.5s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 200%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[<br><br>
[[LiveLink Services - "Partnership eligibility"|SIGN UP MSSG]]]]}{(if: $newnahita2 is true)[(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.5s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 200%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[[(NEW) Nahita from LiveLink - "so here's the deal..."|NAHITA MSSG 2]]]](else-if: $readnahita2 is true)[(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.5s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 200%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[[Nahita from LiveLink - "so here's the deal..."|NAHITA MSSG 2]]]]}
{[(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.5s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 200%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")+(if:$newcrow1 is true)[<br>
[[(NEW) the crow - "DON'T TRUST THEM!!"|CROW MSSG 1]]]](else-if: $readcrow1 is true)[(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.5s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 200%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[
[[the crow - "DON'T TRUST THEM!!"|CROW MSSG 1]]]]}
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.5s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 200%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[[LiveLink's Artist Team - "Regarding our inquiry about Jafar The Superstar."|LLAT MSSG 1]]]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.5s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 200%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[[CHIEF - "New case: Missing Persons Report."|CHIEF MSG: MISSING]]]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.5s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 200%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[[CHIEF - Good job on the Tofurky Case!"|CHIEF MSG: TOFURKY]]]
<!--(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.5s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 200%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[[CHIEF - "Update: Classified case." |CHIEF MSG: ELECTION 3]]]-->
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.5s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 200%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[[CHIEF - "WARNING: ELECTION CASE!" |CHIEF MSG ELECTION 2]]]}
<!--(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.5s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 200%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[[CHIEF - "Urgent: Top-classified case!" |CHIEF MSG: ELECTION 1]]]--><style> img {
max-height: 100%;
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(transition-time: 2.5s)+(color:red)[<img src=https://files.persona.co/108759/psychnet-logo-1.png>]</div>(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 0.8s)+(transition-delay:2s)+(color:red)+(text-style: "expand")+(font: "Poppins")+(css: "font-size: 200%;")[**PUT YOUR MIND TO IT**]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:2.8s)+(color:red)+(font: "Poppins")[[[About us|About us.]]]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:2.5s)+(color:red)+(font: "Poppins")[[[Our mission|Our mission]]]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:3s)+(color:red)+(font: "Poppins")[[[Membership|Membership]]]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:3.2s)+(color:red)+(font: "Poppins")+(css: "font-size: 40%;")[Founded by ROBO Inc.]
<!-- PSYCHNET -->(set: $visitedPSYCHNET to true)
<audio src="https://files.persona.co/108759/Mystery-Mammal---Archives.mp3"autoplay loop><style> img {
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(css: "font-size: 100%;")+(color:#004AAD)+(font: "cormorantgaramond")+(transition:"fade") + (transition-delay:1s) + (transition-time: 2s)[''Hello there!''
We're so happy you want to sign up to become a LiveLink® partnering content creator. It's super easy. Through connecting your mind to our servers, all your thoughts securely upload to our datacloud. Then all //you// have to do is live your best life while our powerful AI-generation tool Link 2.0 automatically does all the content creation for you. Link 2.0 inspects and filters, picks out and assembles, reconstruct and aestheticizes your memories, before finally publishing them for people to enjoy, in so called //mindpages!// When similar thoughts gather, similar mindpages then merge into memory clusters and voilá, soon you'll have your very own real-time blog without having to lift a finger! This is LiveLink®. This is where lives connect.
Before we get started, we'd love to get to know you a little better.
[[Begin questionnaire.|Question 1]]
(css: "font-size: 70%;")[
**Note that we use the third-party polygraph service TruthSerum™ to check your brainwaves for honest answers. Please answer truthfully.**
By signing up you agree to our [[Terms and Conditions.]]]]<style> img {
max-height: 100%;
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)[[[<img src=https://files.persona.co/108759/psychnet-logo-1.png>|PSYCHNET]]]</div>(transition:"flicker")+(transition-delay: 0.5s)+(transition-time: 1.1s)+(color:red)+(text-style: "expand")+(font: "Poppins")+(css: "font-size: 150%;")[**About us**]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:1s)+(color:red)+(font: "Poppins")[Thanks to the privatization of paranormal services, a surge of extrasensory industries started to emerge in the late-mid 1900s. However most of these services were scattered, hard to find and unreliable. We at ROBO saw a need to gather all the wonderful businesses, products, platforms and forums in one soulful place. And that's how the PSYCHNET was created: the world's largest cerebrocomputeral network where you can both host and find... well anything!
**All you have to do is put your mind to it.**]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:1s)+(color:red)+(font: "Poppins")+(css: "font-size: 40%;")[Founded by ROBO Inc.]
<audio src="https://files.persona.co/108759/Mystery-Mammal---Archives.mp3"autoplay loop><style> img {
max-height: 100%;
[</style>(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)[[[<img src=https://files.persona.co/108759/psychnet-logo-1.png>|PSYCHNET]]]</div>{
(transition-delay: 0.5s)+
(transition-time: 1.2s)+
(text-style: "expand")+
(font: "Poppins")+
(css: "font-size: 150%;")
[**Check out our membership tiers:**]}
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:1.2s)+(color:red)+(text-style: "expand")+(font: "Poppins")[
(link-repeat:"**Thrall - Free**")[(alert:"No purchase required.")]
For casual users.
//Access to the PSYCHNET.
3 hours of daily browsing.
Some pages might be locked behind paywalls.//]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:1.2s)+(color:red)+(text-style: "expand")+(font: "Poppins")[
(link-repeat:"**Witch/Wizard - 99 UFD/month**")[(alert:"Insufficent funds")]
For standard users.
//Access to the PSYCHNET.
12 hours of daily browsing.
Ability to share and comment on content.
No paywalls.//]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:1.4s)+(color:red)+(text-style: "expand")+(font: "Poppins")[
(link-repeat:"**Archmage - 299 UFD/month**")[(alert:"Insufficent funds")]
For expert users.
//Access to the PSYCHNET.
Unlimited daily browsing.
Ability to save, share, and comment on content.
Create and upload your own content.
No paywalls.//]
+(transition-time: 1s)
+(text-style: "expand")
+(font: "Poppins")[
''Have an activation code? Enter it below! ''
(set: _password to "")
(input-box: bind _password, "==x==", 1)
{(link-repeat: "Enter")[
(if: (lowercase: _password) is "live3")[
(replace:?info)[Congrats, your Witch/Wizard membership trial is now active!](set:$witch to true)
(else:)[(replace:?info)[Invalid trial code.]]
[ ]<info|]</div>
<audio src="https://files.persona.co/108759/Mystery-Mammal---Archives.mp3"autoplay loop><style> img {
max-height: 100%;
[</style>(transition:"flicker")+(transition-delay:0.1s)+(transition-time: 1s)[[[<img src=https://files.persona.co/108759/psychnet-logo-1.png>|PSYCHNET]]]</div>(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 0.8s)+(color:red)+(text-style: "expand")+(font: "Poppins")+(css: "font-size: 150%;")[**Our mission**]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:1s)+(color:red)+(text-style: "expand")+(font: "Poppins")[
The possibilites of the PSYCHNET are limitless. With the use of BCI and claircognizance we connect users cross-dimensionally by hosting thousands of telepathical networks. Just through tapping into your intuition you can communicate with friends and family, watch concerts and shows occuring hundreds of miles away, play mind games, contact the afterlife, possess a cat, and much, much more. We at ROBO strive for a social world, where we can be together even when we aren't.
It's easy...
**All you have to do is put your mind to it.**]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:1s)+(color:red)+(font: "Poppins")+(css: "font-size: 40%;")[Founded by ROBO Inc.]
<audio src="https://files.persona.co/108759/Mystery-Mammal---Archives.mp3"autoplay loop><style> img {
max-height: 100%;
<br><br><br><br><br>(css: "font-size: 1000%;")+(font:"PT Sans")+(color: gray)[[[WAKE
UP|Jafars Homepage]]]{</div>
(set:$encrypted1 to true)
(set:$encrypted2 to true)
(set:$encrypted3 to true)
(set:$encrypted4 to true)
<!-- Nahitas first message -->
(set: $newcrow1 to true)
(set: $readcrow1 to false)
<!-- Nahitas second message -->
(set: $newnahita2 to false)
(set: $readnahita2 to false)
<!-- Nahitas third message -->
(set: $newnahita3 to false)
(set: $readnahita3 to false)
<!-- LiveLinks signup -->
(set: $newsignup to false)
(set: $readsignup to false)
(set: $takentest to false)
(set: $underage to false)
(set: $adult to false)
<!-- PSYCHNET-->
(set: $witch to false)
<!-- Jafars homepage -->(set: $visitedjafarshomepage to false)
<!-- LiveLink -->(set: $visitedLiveLink to false)
<!-- PSYCHNET -->(set: $visitedPSYCHNET to false)
<!-- BXI --> (set: $visitedbxi to false)
<!-- UUF --> (set: $visitedUUF to false)
<!-- Ley Line --> (set: $visitedleyline to false)
<!--Enchanted Corner--> (set: $visitedenchanted to false)
<!--Scandals--> (set: $visitedscandals to false)
<!--Thots&Poetry--> (set: $visitedthots to false)
<!--Fashion--> (set: $visitedfashion to false)
<!--UUF--> (set: $visiteduuf to false)
}(unless: (passage:)'s tags contains "no-header")[(if: (history:)'s length > 0)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[(link: "↻ ")[(goto: (history:)'s last)]](font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[| ](font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[ DESKTOP |DESKTOP]](font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[| ](font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[EXPLORED PAGES|HISTORY]]][]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 200%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[[CASE FILES|CASE FILES]]]
(if: $newsignup is true or $newcrow1 is true or $newnahita2 is true or $newnahita3 is true)[(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.6s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 200%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[[MESSAGES (NEW)|MESSAGES]]]] (else-if: $newcrow1 is false or $newnahita2 is false or $newnahita3 is false)+(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.6s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 200%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[[MESSAGES|MESSAGES]]]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.9s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 200%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[[SAVE GAME|SAVE]]]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:1.2s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 200%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[[ATTRIBUTIONS|ATTRIBUTION]]]
(if: $newsignup is true)[(alert: "New message from LiveLink Recruitment Team.")][]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 150%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")
[**FILE #87 Jafar The Superstar - Missing Persons Report.**
Client: LiveLink Inc.
Status: Unsolved.]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.6s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")
One of the entertainment platform (color:#99B42D)[[LiveLink's|LiveLink®]] content creators has gone missing. I'm not too familiar with their technology but apparently, their business model involves real-time manipulation and distribution of people's thoughts for entertainment purposes or something like that. Disturbing fucking shit if you ask me. Anyhow, LiveLink's operators noticed that some rising artist called //Jafar The Superstar// stopped uploading to their mindcloud sometime last week, which according to them, shouldn't be possible. How come? Fuck if I know. They've tried contacting her without any luck. A LiveLink operator will be in touch with you to fill you in with more details.
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.9s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")
Digging into Jafar The Superstars LiveLink ((color:#99B42D)[[found here|Jafars Homepage]]) and looking for clues of her disappearance. Searching through her most recent mindpages might hint at her last known location.]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:1.2s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 150%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")
[**FILE #86 The Tofurky Recipe - Astral Robbery.**
Client: Ms. Shirley Valentine (Mind ID #C7329)
Status: Solved.]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.6s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")
Get a load of this one. Two rivaling vegan restaurant owners who run their businesses across the street from each other are in a recipe feud. Ms. Valentine (owner of Yummy Soy Chicken) claims that Ms. Durkenby (owner of The Pig Whisperer) has been astral projecting to her office where she keeps her secret tofurky recipe, memorized the contents, and copied it.
Ms. Durkenby on the other hand, claims the exact same thing! I've tested both their tofurkys and they suspiciously taste the same... One of them must be lying. After the election case, you could use something less intense. I'm putting you on the case detective.
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.9s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")
I've conducted interviews. Ms. Valentine states that she's felt an "eerie chill" in her office lately. She has also smelled something "fishy" in the air, which of course is "strictly forbidden in a renowned vegan establishment." Surprisingly, Ms. Durkenby's statement was almost identical. Both Ms. Valentine and Ms. Durkenby claim their respective tofurky recipes are old family inheritances. The suspects have agreed to an |A>[AR] scan to support their claims. Also calling in a para hunter to check out if there have been supernatural activities in the offices.]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:1.2s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")
Ms. Valentine and Ms. Durkenby //were in fact// using the same tofurky recipe, but neither one had been copied or stolen. The AR scans traced back to the same ancestral memory of their great-great-grandmother handing down her tofurky recipe to her daughters, which has then been handed down for generations. Turns out Ms.Valentine and Ms.Durkenby are distant cousins. The "eerie chill" they had been feeling some time ago? Well, apparently the spectrophone caught the hauntings of their deceased great-great grandmother cursing them out for deceivingly using real fish in their tofurkys. Sounds like neither of them will be business for very long...]
(click-append:?A)+(t8n:'dissolve')[ //(Ancestral Regression)//][]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 150%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")
[**FILE #84 The 2001 Election - Telepathic Voting Coercion.**
Client: Utopian Party of Ferlzig, Campaigning Team.
Status: Forwarded.]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.6s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")
We have a top-priority case regarding the upcoming 2001 election.(color:#99B42D)[[The Utopian Party of Ferlzig (UTP)|UUF]] claim psychic attacks have been targeted against voters with messages encouraging uprising and unrest. Several witnesses claim they have been anonymously targeted with socialist propaganda glitching into their minds. UTP suspects the attacks might be the works of the Reformist Utopians (RU), their main rival party. But they don't have the evidence to support their claim... yet. They've turned to us to build a case against the RU, illegitimatizing their campaign as well as removing their representatives from the ballots. We'll be working under the (color:#99B42D)[[BXI]] for this case. For the continued prosperity of our great utopian country!
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.9s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")
I've been interviewing victims of the psychic attacks. All of them more or less claim the same thing. A hack, almost like a virus, has been penetrating their minds with commie propaganda and //RU// hogwash. There's a high chance this is a coordinated terrorist attack by an organized group.
Problem is, all victims of the supposed psychic attacks are either in or bear personal connections to the UTP in some way. I'm in no way illegitimizing the victims' statements. However, in the eyes of the //public// it might raise some suspicion on whether these claims are real or attempts at defamation against the RU by the UTP themselves.]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:1.2s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")
Several terrorist members of the extremist abolitionist group Workers' Emancipatory Front (WOF) have been linked to the telepathic attacks, as well as hacks on the PSYCHNET promoting commie propaganda. Even though they continuously deny it, there's no secret that members of the RU harbor such leftist ideas themselves. We've provided names to the BXI who will take over the investigation internally.
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 150%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")
[**FILE 85 Spreading Thanatophobia - Clairvoyant Intimidation.**
Client: Perezze Mall (Dobrecht, East Ferlzig)
Status: Solved.]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.6s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")
Mall chain Perezze has filed several complaints against a local fortune teller operating outside one of their malls in Dobrecht. The fortune teller, they claim, has been drawing business from the mall's own signature fortune teller machines. I personally don't see how that would have a big economic impact on the enterprise at large, but either way... they're paying us to get rid of her.
Since the fortune teller is authorized to conduct their business on any public property under the 1988 Freer Free Market Act, Perezze can't really do anything. See if you can find any faults or loopholes to chase them away.
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.9s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")
Going undercover. I drove to Perezze Magic Mall myself and found out the real reason Perezze wants her gone. The fotune teller, miss Yilandra, is native Culbrastan. Had she been an illegal immigrant it would've been a no-brainer, but she holds a pre-revolutionary citizenship.
She uses classic tarot cards and gave me a five-card reading using The Culbrastan Compass spread. I was handed the Queen of Swords (me), The Emperor in reverse (external challenge), The Devil (internal challenge) Four of Cups (advice), and Death (the outcome). She claimed I am a bright and clear-headed person who has been shackled by authoritarian rule. A messenger comes bearing the tools for freeing myself, which ultimately will lead to transformation in my life.]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:1.2s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")
It's a long stretch but the divinatory tools themselves could be classified as treacherous psychnetics. Using the Culbrastan Compass and The Devil is //technically// treason under the (color:#99B42D)|B>[2nd] and (color:#99B42D)|C>[3rd] amendment. However, this wouldn't really do much other than force Miss Yilandra to use authorized decks and spreads.
What Perezze //might// be able to use in a legal case though, is to go after her use of the Death card. Even though the card symbolizes metamorphosis, its literal meaning could be interpreted as a deathly prophecy, which is strictly forbidden by Magick Moral law. If they can get ex-customers of Miss Yilandra to witness against her they might be able to build a case around the spreading of thantaophobia. Additionally, while not technically a crime, a good lawyer could raise suspicion around the fact that Miss Yilandra's mind doesn't seem to be connected to the PSYCHNET. A lot of old people aren't, but nonetheless, it's worth a shot.](click-append:?B)+(t8n:'dissolve')[// (The free people of the U.U.F first and foremost, above personal interest, affairs, and beliefs, owe allegiance to the United Utopias of Ferlzig and its rulership. It is every free citizen's duty to foster the country's corpocratic ideals, customs and traditions.)//](click-append:?C)+(t8n:'dissolve')[ //(Any promotion of foreign practices, rites, symbols, or texts; whether political, national, cultural, or religious, which intends to superordinate Ferlzigan customs and traditions, are prohibited unless used for educational purposes edifying the greatness of the United Utopias of Ferlzig.)//]<br><br>(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 150%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[A BIG THANKS TO]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1.5s)+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 100%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[C. Grace Chang, curator.
Ruhani Islam (Baba Jaan), drag king.
Marey, music artist.]
<br><br>(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1.5s)+(transition-delay:0.6s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 150%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[ATTRIBUTIONS]<br>(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1.5s)+(transition-delay:0.9s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 100%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[Marey - Tamagotchii feat. Andrea Turk (Exceptional usage permission)
Lisa Hammer - Sweet Flute Raga (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Mystery Mammal - Archives (CC BY 4.0)
King-Lulu-Dear - I Believe In Pink Custom Box Background (Free to use)
Other assets are either the artist's own, in the public domain, or do not require attribution.
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 150%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[From: CHIEF
Subject: "New case: Missing Persons Report."]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.6s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[Got that new case for you, check your case file.
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 150%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[From: CHIEF
Subject: "Good job on the Tofurky case!"]
(if: visits is 1)[(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.6s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[Hey,
I saw your report on the Tofurky case. What a mess. Fucking vegans.
Anyhow, hope you understand why I have you on some low-tier cases after that election fuck up. First and last time I cover you ass you hear? Gotta keep under the radar for some time though. Got a mid-tier missing person's case coming in for you. Nothing exciting I'm afraid.
-CHIEF]](else-if: visits > 1)[(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.6s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[ENCRYPTED MESSAGE]
(click-replace: "ENCRYPTED MESSAGE")[This message has been terminated for security reasons.]][]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 150%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[From: CHIEF
Subject: "Urgent: Top-classified case."]
(if: $encrypted1 is true)[(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.6s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[ENCRYPTED MESSAGE]
(click-replace: "DECRYPT? (MESSAGE WILL BE TERMINATED AFTERWARDS)")[URGENT: We're putting all ongoing investigations on hold for a high-tier top-priority case for the (color:#FF8FB6)[[Utopian Party of Ferlzig|Become A Citizen]]. All detectives have been put on the case. See your case files for details.
-CHIEF(set: $encrypted1 to false)]](else:)[(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.6s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[ENCRYPTED MESSAGE]
(click-replace: "ENCRYPTED MESSAGE")[This message has been terminated for security reasons.]]Both the [[BXI]] and [[DDA]] are facist
[[United Utopias of Amasia|UUF]]<br>
<div class="bxi"><img src=https://files.persona.co/108759/BXI-logo.png>(font: "Martian Mono")+(color: #FF001C)+(css: "font-size:140%")[''Bureau of <br>Xenological Intelligence.'']</div><div class="bxi2">
(font: "Martian Mono")[''The United Utopias first line of defense.
We accomplish what others cannot accomplish and go where others cannot go.<br>''] <style> img {
max-height: 100%;
[</style><img src=https://files.persona.co/108759/BXI-divider.png>(font: "Martian Mono")+(css: "font-size: 80%;")[The BXI is a federal secret service agency that operates under the jurisdiction of the United Utopias Ministry of Defense. We protect the Utopian people and uphold the (color:#FF001C)[[[U.U.F. |UUF]]]Constitution by collecting and analyzing xenological intelligence to further national security and preempt both domestic and extraterrestrial threats. We track and shut down cultist organizations, and prevent psychic terrorism and occult extremism. U.U.F. policymakers, including the CEO of the United Utopias, make policy decisions informed by the information we provide.
<style> img {
max-height: 100%;
}</div>[</style><img src=https://files.persona.co/108759/BXI-divider.png>Have a tip? You can report suspicious activites and crimes by contacting us anonymously via (color:#FF001C)[[ley lines|LEYLINE OFFLINE]] at MindID #BXIX]<div><div><audio src=https://files.persona.co/108759/John-Bartmann---Sneaky-Detective.mp3 autoplay loop>
(set: $visitedbxi to true)Domestic Defence Agency
Official Website for United Utopia of Ferlzig's's Law Enforcement
Domestic Defence Agency
[[United Utopias of Ferlzig|UUF]]<style> img {
max-height: 100%;
<img src='https://files.persona.co/108759/UUF-Banner.gif'><div class="container">[[<img class="aboutuuf" src='https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_99e93168491d4fc88e6ee7fb4fc5b80a~mv2.gif' width="250px" height="100px">->Become A Citizen]]
[[<img class="fathervitolli" src='https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_c4575fb0aa1b40ab8f678b23496d5e59~mv2.gif' width="250px" height="100px">->Baba Jaan]]
[[<img class="the10" src='https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_5ceaf87864e5434e8853303c0a771b66~mv2.gif' width="250px" height="100px">->The 5 Amendments]]
</div><img src='https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_68aeac429d2a4a978494d1efbafe15f3~mv2.gif'><img class="uufheader" src='https://files.persona.co/108759/UUF-Banner.gif'> </div>
<audio src="https://files.persona.co/108759/UUF_frontpage1.mp3" autoplay loop>
(set:$visiteduuf to true)}(set: $newcrow1 to false)
(set: $readcrow1 to true)
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 150%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[From: the crow
WARNING: This message appears to have been sent by an untrusted user.]
(if: $encrypted4 is true)[(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.6s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[ENCRYPTED MESSAGE]
(click-replace: "DECRYPT? (MESSAGE WILL BE TERMINATED AFTERWARDS)")[listen, i don't have lot of time.
i know you are involved in the missing jafar's case.
i can help.
now, I don't know where she is, or what's happened to her.
but I know that diabolic livelink has something to do with it. that company, they're a cult.
don't trust a word they say.
/the crow(set: $encrypted4 to false)]](else:)[(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.6s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[ENCRYPTED MESSAGE]
(click-replace: "ENCRYPTED MESSAGE")[This message has been terminated for security reasons.]](set: $newnahita2 to false)
(set: $readnahita2 to true)
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 150%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[From: Nahita from LiveLink
Subject: so here's the deal...]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.6s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[hey detective,
so im gonna be real with u. i'm a junior operator, okay? i'm the shadow making coffee in the corner of the office kitchen. i'm the ghost cleaning up vomit at the company christmas party. i'm the thrall they boss around and assign all bs tasks no one else wants to handle (like this one). and i'm also the one they layoff when they need to cut down on the budget... (yeah so that just happened). once i'm done with this assignment i'll receive my last provision and be unemployed and gone. but until we find out what happened to jafar, i'm the one you're stuck with (sorry). so i'm just gonna make this whole process less time-consuming for both of us and drop all formalities from now on.
(if: $visitedjafarshomepage)[(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 100%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[[Jafar The Superstars Homepage - www.jafarthesuperstar.com/home|Jafars Homepage]]]]
(if: $visitedfashion)[(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 100%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[[fashion - www.jafarthesuperstar.com/fashion|Fashion]]]]
(if: $visitedthots)[(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 100%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[[thots&poetry - www.jafarthesuperstar.com/thots&poetry|Poetry]]]]
(if: $visitedenchanted)[(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 100%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[[The Enchanted Corner - www.jafarthesuperstar.com/theenchantedcorner|Fortunetelling]]]]
(if: $visitedscandals)[(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 100%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[[SHAME LOBE!!! - www.jafarthesuperstar.com/shamelobe|Scandals]]]]
(if: $visitedLiveLink)[(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 100%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[[LiveLink Homepage - www.livelink.org|LiveLink®]]]]
(if: $visitedPSYCHNET)[(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 100%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[[PYSCHNET - www.psych.net|PSYCHNET]]]]
(if: $visiteduuf)[(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 100%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[[United Utopias Government Homepage - www.uuf.gov/home|UUF]]]]
(if: $visitedbxi)[(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 100%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[[BXI - www.bxi.gov|BXI]]]]
(if: $visitedleyline)[(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 100%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[[Ley Lines - 𒁇𒀼𒌨𒁇𒐕𒐖𒀼 |LEYLINE OFFLINE]]]]<br><style> img {
max-height: 100%;
[</style>[<img src=https://files.persona.co/108759/LiveLink--logo-3.png>]</div>(color:#004AAD)+(font: "cormorantgaramond")+(css: "font-size: 100%;")[(css: "font-size: 130%;")[''1. How old are you?'']
(link: "A. 1-17 years old.")[(set: $underage to true)
(goto: "Submitted")
(link: "B. 18-25 years old.")[(set: $adult to true)
(goto: "Question 2")
(link: "C. 25-50 years old.")[(set: $adult to true)
(goto: "Question 2")
(link: "D. 50+ years old.")[(set: $adult to true)
(goto: "Question 2")
(transition:"slide-up")[(css: "font-size: 200%;")+(font:"Irish Grover")+(color:#782E51)+(text-style: "smear")[Everyone who knows me know how much I love]<style> img {
max-height: 100%;}][</style><img src='https://files.persona.co/108759/fashion-header.gif'></div>(font:"Irish Grover")+(css: "font-size: 100%")+(color:#782E51)[Not to toot my own horn, but bitch I've turned some looks throughout the years. Here are my top 3 most iconic looks!!
(css:"font-size:70%")[(psst... click the look to learn more about it!)]]
<style> img {
max-height: 100%;}</div>][</style><div class="fashioncontainer">[[<img src='https://files.persona.co/108759/1.png'>->Blue Fashion]][[<img src='https://files.persona.co/108759/2.png'>->Pink Fashion]][[<img src='https://files.persona.co/108759/3.png'>->WITCH BLOCKER 2]]</div></div><br>(css: "font-size: 50%")+(color:black)[A [[LiveLink®]] service.
Powered by [[PSYCHNET]]]]{<audio src=https://files.persona.co/108759/TERRIBLE.mp3 autoplay loop><!--Fashion--> (set: $visitedfashion to true)}<style> img {
max-height: 100%;
[</style><img src='https://files.persona.co/108759/UUF-Banner.gif'><div class="container">[[<img class="aboutuuf" src='https://files.persona.co/108759/uuf-home.gif' width="250px" height="100px">->UUF]]
[[<img class="fathervitolli" src='https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_c4575fb0aa1b40ab8f678b23496d5e59~mv2.gif' width="250px" height="100px">->Baba Jaan]]
[[<img class="the10" src='https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_5ceaf87864e5434e8853303c0a771b66~mv2.gif' width="250px" height="100px">->The 5 Amendments]]
</div>(font:"Playfair Display")+(color:#DD3844)+(bg:yellow)[**The United Utopias of Ferlzig is a land that stands as a beacon of prosperity and progress, where ambition and economic liberty converge. Within our borders, an extraordinarily successful experiment in governance has unfolded—one that embraces the ideals of political freedom, corporate synergy, and personal empowerment.
The United Utopias of Ferlzig is not only a country but an enterprise under the Utopian Party of Ferlzig! Converting our country to a holding company has allowed the United Utopias to become constituent companies in which every citizen can own shares. This way, the country isn't owned by political entities - it's owned by YOU!
Our progressional investment-based green cards secure citizenship and freedoms reserved only for Ferlzigan citizens. Depending on the size of your investment, your influence and amount of votes in decision-making bodies increase. An increase in shares equals an increase in ownership.
An investment in the United Utopias is essentially an investment in you and your future!
- No tax liabilities!
- Privatization privileges!
- Right to vote in shareholder meetings.
- Voting rights at quadrennial elections!
- And much, much more!
Buy stock today, and become a citizen right away!
(css: "font-size: 70%")[Immigration through the UP-6 Program requires an initial investment of 800,000 UFD.
All applications are processed through the Embassy of Migration and require a polygraph test conducted by (color:#640505)[[BXI]] officials]
**]<img src='https://files.persona.co/108759/UUF-Banner.gif'></div><audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/66503c_3cdeae615b4a4c4ebe6c16a263f86440.mp3" autoplay loop><style> img {
max-height: 100%;
[[<img class="uufheader" src='https://files.persona.co/108759/UUF-Banner.gif'>->UUF]]<div><div class="container">[[<img class="aboutuuf" src='https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_99e93168491d4fc88e6ee7fb4fc5b80a~mv2.gif' width="250px" height="100px">->Become A Citizen]]
[[<img class="fathervitolli" src='https://files.persona.co/108759/uuf-home.gif' width="250px" height="100px">->UUF]]
[[<img class="the10" src='https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_5ceaf87864e5434e8853303c0a771b66~mv2.gif' width="250px" height="100px">->The 5 Amendments]]
</div>(font:"Playfair Display")+(color:#DD3844)+(bg:yellow)[(css: "font-size: 80%")[**//"And so Ferlzig and her people will rise onto a new golden age of prosperity and wealth, free of economic liabilities.
Every man shall live on his own terms, with his own mind.
United only by the liberated values of the Utopia."//
- Baba Jaan, excerpt of first speech after the 48' coup d'état.**]
**The late Babak Ilhat Jaanoosh, formally known as Baba Jaan (b. 1896, d. 1988), is the founding father of the U.U.F and UPF. In 1948 he led the coup d'état that ultimately led to the replacement of the Ferlzing Union to the United Utopias of Ferlzig. The ultracommunist government of Gerji Mabpdou was superseded by the corporatocratic government of Baba Jaan, who turned the declining nation into a thriving republic corporation, and became the first-ever CEO of the U.U.F we know and love today.
Babak came from humble beginnings, from a farmer's family in East Ferlzig. At an early age he had showed signs of magickal inclinations and already as a child he predicted that he would rise to incredible power someday. He studied psychic philosophy at Szeldawze University between 1914 and 1917, before he was drafted into the Civil War. After his service in the military came the recession and Babak was out of work. He worked as a kitchen helper for a few years without earning so much as a penny, due to the strict and punishing communist economic politics and forced collectivization in the Ferlzig Union.
Experiencing such injustice drove Babak Jaanoosh to found the Plutosic Order of the Great Chain (which later came to be the UPF) in 1922, a secret society that taught esoteric blockchaining, growth-induced geomancy, financial divination, plutosic scrymanship, among other practices. The order expanded its ideals and organization in the first half of the 1900s. It rapidly garnered credibility when it created and published "The Pluto Manifesto", a radical demand for the liberation of the occult arts from the Mabpdounian government's restrictions on mystic affairs, which taxed and regulated the magical market. This garnered the interest among many citizens harboring distaste for the strict unionist regime and is one of the primary causes for the ignition of the 1946-1948 Ferlzigan Revolution.
In 1948, at age 52, Babak Illhat Jaanoosh was inaugurated, signed the 5 amendments, and declared Ferlzig a free and prosperous state. Baba Jaan served his country as CEO for over 40 years, becoming a beloved and national hero, keeping the civil peace, combating foreign threats, and surging the Utopias into a Golden Age. In 1988 Baba Jaan experienced experienced cardiac arrest ultimately leading to his death.
The nation was in mourning for an entire year until Baba Jaan's son, Baba Jaan Jr. superseded his father as CEO of the Utopian company. Babaks mottos in the Plutonic order were //Rationale. Reductione Monetali. Prosperitas// (Rationale. Force. Prosperity) which came to be the official national motto of the U.F.F.
Through these words and his son's efforts, Baba Jaan's legacy lives on to this day, further limiting state interference, protecting the self-regulating market, and every citizen's right to freedom, achievement, and growth.
In Baba Jaan We Trust.
<span class="smaller"><img src=https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_1487de1a2f3c4a95997a527ae18d3e57~mv2.png></span> Baba Jaan in the Octangular Office, 1964.**]<img class="uufheader" src='https://files.persona.co/108759/UUF-Banner.gif'></div> <audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/66503c_3abc91d6294e4cdcacf0c89d42ba0036.mp3" autoplay loop><style> img {
max-height: 100%;
[</style><img src='https://files.persona.co/108759/UUF-Banner.gif'><div class="container">[[<img class="aboutuuf" src='https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_99e93168491d4fc88e6ee7fb4fc5b80a~mv2.gif' width="250px" height="100px">->Become A Citizen]]
[[<img class="the10" src='https://files.persona.co/108759/uuf-home.gif' width="250px" height="100px">->UUF]]
[[<img class="fathervitolli" src='https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_c4575fb0aa1b40ab8f678b23496d5e59~mv2.gif' width="250px" height="100px">->Baba Jaan]]
</div>(font:"Playfair Display")+(color:#DD3844)+(bg:yellow)[**The 1st Amendment**
The Great Nation of Ferlzig, the United Utopias of Ferlzig, shall be a free nation under democratic rule and with quadrennial elections. The ruling government has a duty to serve the nation, its states, and its people. Enactment of laws damaging these, such as infringement of personal or corporate privacy, taxation, violation of property, and scrutiny under false pretenses, are prohibited.
**The 2nd Amendment**
The free people of the U.U.F first and foremost, above personal interest, affairs, and beliefs, owe allegiance to the United Utopias of Ferlzig and its rulership. It is every free citizen's duty to foster the country's corpocratic ideals, customs, and traditions.
''The 3rd Amendment''
Any promotion of foreign practices, rites, symbols, or texts; whether political, national, cultural, or religious, which intends to superordinate Ferlzigan customs and traditions, are prohibited unless used for educational purposes edifying the greatness of the United Utopias of Ferlzig.
''The 4th Amendment''
Every citizen has the right to bear arms, children, witnesses, psychic powers, and assets. The extension of these rights is limited depending on capital investment in the United Utopias constituent companies.
''The 5th Amendment''
The United Utopia shall be, beyond a federal nation, a holding company for the 22 Utopias within the nation, run by constituent companies. Every citizen who owns shares in the Utopias is a recognized Ferlzigan citizen with rights to vote, rights to land, and rights to establishment.
]<img src='https://files.persona.co/108759/UUF-Banner.gif'></div><audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/66503c_609333500c3b4b479a8747dea4f80505.mp3" autoplay loop>(set: $newnahita3 to false)
(set: $readnahita3 to true)
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 150%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[From: Nahita from LiveLink
Subject: hpw livelink works]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.6s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")
it occured to me u might not be familiar with how livelink works, so here's the quick rundown:
livelink is basically this lucrative live service that mostly partners with desperate wannabe celebrities (such as influencers, content creators, media personalities etc.) in order to sell simulated realities to "ordinary" ppl who can't stand their own awful lives. through psychnet's telepathic network they subscribe to their favorite livelinks, accessing the minds of others through so-called mindpages, **in real-time** (kind of). the process usually goes something like this:
1. a talentless nobody who can't create shit on their own partners with livelink to have them do it for them... in exchange for unrestricted access to their minds (and like 90% of accumulated from traffic revenues. total rip-off I know, but hey I'm just the messenger).
2. the talentless nobody is augumented with a cerebral tracker that records everything they do, think and say (and I do mean EVERYTHING).
3. the talentless nobody is encouraged (to put it mildly) to do "crazy, wild and adventurous" stuff in their everyday lives that the tracker then uploads to our generative AI database //Link 2.0.//
4. //Link 2.0 //then inspects and filters, picks out and assembles, manipulates and aestheticizes the material it deems relevant and finally publishes it as a simulated reality to the psychnet. a so called //mindpage.//
5. fans subscribe to different livelinks for monthly fee's and get to browse and enjoy various published mindpages.
mindpages are generated and published within minutes of occurance, so the simulated realites are more or less happening live. recently published mindpages are typically erased within a day if they don't reach a specific amount of psychnetic traffic, which only really happens if something truly sensational has occured like a fight, racist encounters, galas and award ceremonies or the most viewed mindpages: sex scandals... (who would've thought!!! :O). //however what Link 2.0 most often does is emerge memories into categorical simulations.// basically creating themed mindpages from clusters of similar memories e.g. a food page or an fashion page.
there's a bunch of other technological and phsychic elements that go into it but those are the basics. livelink are legally obliged to report suspicions of illegal activities by partnering creators to the [[DDA]], which of course they don't unless it affects the company's profit. and having someone go missing... does exactly that. no celebrity means no content, no content means no engagement, no engagement means no money. frankly the company's got too much money and too little time to waste internal resources on stuff like this so guess that's where u come in the picture.
I'll try and help best i can
(transition:"slide-up")[<div class="homepage"><style> img {
max-height: 50%;}</style><img src=https://files.persona.co/108759/1.png>
(css: "font-size: 100%")+(font:"Irish Grover")+(color:#782E51)[''Richness darling! Richness! ''(css:"font-size: 80%")[
Custom-made regal gown by sustainable fashion designer Nathali Elfström.
Cerulean mesh with frills at the hem layered with a Swarovski beaded corset on top. Accompanied by a breathable cape and silk headpiece. Hand-sown gloves imported from (font: "VT323")+(bg:black)+(color:green)[CENSORED] with nails provided by Claw Cosmetics. First worn at the quadrennial inaguration of (color:#AED9E7)[[[Baba Jaan Jr.|Baba Jaan]]] in 2001.]</div>]]<br>
(transition:"slide-up")[<div class="homepage"><style> img {
max-height: 50%;}</div>][</style><img src=https://files.persona.co/108759/2.png>
(css: "font-size: 100%")+(font:"Irish Grover")+(color:#782E51)[''Hot slut summer! ''(css:"font-size: 80%")[
In the summer of 84' I was in (font: "VT323")+(bg:black)+(color:green)[CENSORED] to do a summer shoot with luxury brand Janky Cantor. It was like a thousand degrees out and I was sweating from every hole imaginable. And here's a little secret to all my loyal followers out there: the fit was actually //pastel pink// but due to all the sweat it turned dark cerise. Juicy loved it so much they made it a permanent part of their collection. Icon!]</div>]]<br>
(transition:"slide-up")[<div class="homepage"><style> img {
max-height: 50%;}</div>][</style><img src=https://files.persona.co/108759/3.png>
(css: "font-size: 100%")+(font:"Irish Grover")+(color:#782E51)[''Blondes have more fun!''
(css:"font-size: 80%")[Did you know that back in the day I use to be a blonde? Yeah, I was born with thick gold hair. It's true! Actually, no it's not. What?! You're lying to yourself. Nuh-uh! Yuh-uh... F*ck!!! Mind-reading computer thingy if you can hear me right now: please don't post this!! I need to alter my memories!! How do I convince my brain I was born a blonde?? Maybe I can manifest it retroactively? "I'm a natural blonde, I'm a natural blonde. I'm a natural blonde." </div>]]]
<!--(css: "font-size: 50%;")+(color:black)+(align:"=><=")[A [[LiveLink®]] service.
Powered by [[PSYCHNET]]]-->[]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 150%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[From: CHIEF
Subject: "Update: Top-classified case."]
(if: $encrypted3 is true)[(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.6s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")
(click-replace: "DECRYPT? (MESSAGE WILL BE TERMINATED AFTERWARDS)")[It has come my attention that some investigators claim gathered evidence points towards an inside job by the UPF. Need I remind you such statements are treacherous by Magick Moral law? I would advice you, for your own safety, not to spread nor document such misinformation. We've been hired to build a case against the //Reformist Utopians.// No matter what. Please stand by your lawful duty.
For the continued prosperity of our great Utopian nation!
-CHIEF(set: $encrypted3 to false)
//In Baba Jaan We Trust.//]](else:)[(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.6s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[ENCRYPTED MESSAGE]
(click-replace: "ENCRYPTED MESSAGE")[This message has been terminated for security reasons.]]WORKERS' EMANCIPATORY FRONT
All workers
These lands do not belong to the UTP, it does not belong to the RU, nor did it ever belong to the Gerjivan goverment or any other colonial settlers before them. These lands, and its natural resources, rightfully belong to the culbastan, ilahati, and zamen native peoples. Original practitioners of maghzi (psychnetic) powers detached from the corporatocratic capitalist appropriations and economic, cultural and social explotations.
THE WEF MANIFESTO<!-- Nahitas first message -->
(set: $newnahita1 to true)
(set: $readnahita1 to false)
<!-- Nahitas second message -->
(set: $newnahita2 to false)
(set: $readnahita2 to false)
<!-- Nahitas third message -->
(set: $newnahita3 to false)
(set: $readnahita3 to false)
<!-- LiveLinks signup message -->
(set: $livelinksignupmsg to false)
(set: $newlivelinksignup to false)
<!-- Jafars homepage -->(set: $visitedjafarshomepage to false)
<!-- LiveLink -->(set: $visitedLiveLink to false)
<!-- PSYCHNET -->(set: $visitedPSYCHNET to false)(set: _password to "")\
<div class="password">
Enter password to access this site:
(input-box: bind _password, "X====", 1)
(link: "Enter")[{
(if: (lowercase: _password) is "unite")[
(go-to: "WEF")
(else-if: (lowercase: _password) is not "unite")[(go-to: "PASSWORD PAGE")]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 150%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[(link: "SAVE GAME")[(save-game: "file A") GAME SAVED!]]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.6s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 150%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[(link: "LOAD LAST SAVE")[(load-game: "file A")]]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.9s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 150%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[[[↻ RETURN|DESKTOP]]]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:1.2s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 80%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[Note: The save will be deleted if you clear your browser history/cookies.](set: _leyline to "")<div class="leyline">(font:"Dela Gothic One")+(transition:"dissolve")+(transition-time: 4s)+(css: "font-size: 400%")[LEY LINES]
(font:"Dela Gothic One")+(transition:"dissolve")+(transition-time: 4s)+(transition-delay: 2s)+(css: "font-size: 150%")[IN ENERGETIC ALIGMENT WITH OTHERS]<div class="leyline2">(font:"Dela Gothic One")+(transition:"dissolve")+(transition-time: 4s)+(transition-delay: 4s)+(css: "font-size: 150%")[ENTER MIND ID:]
(transition:"dissolve")+(transition-time: 5s)+(transition-delay: 4s)[(input-box: bind _leyline, "X=", 1)]
(transition:"dissolve")+(transition-time: 5s)+(transition-delay: 4s)[(link: "ENTER")[{
(if: (lowercase: _leyline) is "A555")[(go-to: "BXI LEYLINE")]
(else-if: (lowercase: _leyline) is "C7349")[(go-to: "SHIRLEYS LEYLINE")]}]]</div></div>
<audio src=https://files.persona.co/108759/viskningar1.mp3 autoplay loop>
(set: $visitedleyline to true)bxi leyline<br><style> img {
max-height: 100%;
[</style>[<img src=https://files.persona.co/108759/LiveLink--logo-3.png>]</div>(color:#004AAD)+(font: "cormorantgaramond")+(css: "font-size: 100%;")[(css: "font-size: 130%;")[''2. What is your goal in life?'']
(link: "A. To earn as much money as possible.")[
(goto: "Question 3")
(link: "B. To see as much of the world as possible.")[
(goto: "Question 3")
(link: "C. To be as famous as possible.")[
(goto: "Question 3")
(link: "D. To love as much as possible.")[
(goto: "Question 3")
<br>(css: "font-size: 150%")+(font:"Nanum Myeongjo")+(color:#CCC6B6)[//t h o t s & p o e t r y//]
(css: "font-size: 80%")+(font:"Nanum Myeongjo")+(color:#CCC6B6)[just some random poems generated from my thots or sum whatevr idk...
**what to eat?**
//i open the fridge
and take a peak
observe the contents
what to eat?
perhaps some bread
a slice of cheese
a half-eaten cookie
a sweet, a treat
then i get bored
and close the fridge
open it up
repeat again
what to eat?
oh what to eat?//
**how to print screen on mac?**
//i press cmd+3 but nothing happens
what im i doing wrong?
might just go berserk,
king kong//
//horny, im horny.
i wanna suck a big fat dick, rim an ass,
get pegged by a chick.
horny im horny.
i have the wildest fantasies.
i hope nobody hears or sees.
feet, and piss, and shit and degradation.
only in my
horny, im horny,
yes that's what i am.
to call in sick and jerk off all day with spit in hand
that is my master plan.//
**fucking boss**
//damn my boss saw that last post,
i hate his guts i hope he chokes.
why is he even subscribing to my livelink?
i hope he trips into the ocean and sinks.
i hate my job, customers are so rude,
but once im famous they'll drop the attitude!//
**terms and conditions**
//because of alleged "death threats"
i got fired today.
or was it because the AI-generator outed me as gay?
yeah i get that the poem sounds pretty bad
but look that wasn't me it was the AI
twisting my thoughts, making me look mad.
it was just a little intrusive thought,
a little passing moment, i can't even remember,
nothing major nothing serious but the AI
made it seem like i wanted him dismembered.
(still true.)
i called livelink customer service to have the poems removed
but they only turned me down.
said it was a breach of contract, something i had approved.
i said i didn't sign up to have my entire life be under scrutiny and suscipion!
but they only responded by resending me
the terms and conditions.//
**little sister**
//mind-reading computer thingy
i know u can hear me
stop// (font: "VT323")+(bg:black)+(color:green)[CENSORED] //recording everything
you are gonna tear me
a p a r t
mind-reading computer thingy//
(font: "VT323")+(bg:black)+(color:green)[CENSORED] //YOU!!!//
(font: "VT323")+(bg:black)+(color:green)[CENSORED] (font: "VT323")+(bg:black)+(color:green)[CENSORED] (font: "VT323")+(bg:black)+(color:green)[CENSORED] //STUPID// (font: "VT323")+(bg:black)+(color:green)[CENSORED]
//IMMA BEAT YOUR// (font: "VT323")+(bg:black)+(color:green)[CENSORED]
r e s t a r t//]
(css: "font-size: 45%")+(color:#CCC6B6)[A [[LiveLink®]] service.
Powered by [[PSYCHNET]]]
{<audio src="https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/66503c_167079ab56d94bd98b3300618c1d2386.mp3" autoplay loop>
<!--Thots&Poetry--> (set: $visitedthots to true)}shirley[ABCDE]<corr|
(set: $decode to "ZYXWV")
(set: $count to 0)
{(live: 1s)[
(if: $count < $decode's length)[
(set: $count to it+1)
(replace:?corr's chars's $count)[(print:$decode's $count)]
]}<br><style> img {
max-height: 100%;
[</style>[<img src=https://files.persona.co/108759/LiveLink--logo-3.png>]</div>(color:#004AAD)+(font: "cormorantgaramond")+(css: "font-size: 100%;")[(css: "font-size: 130%;")[''4. How comfortable are you with sharing your private life with others?'']
(link: "A. Very comfortable.")[
(goto: "Question 5")
(link: "B. Moderately comfortable")[
(goto: "Question 5")
(link: "C. Somewhat uncomfortable.")[
(goto: "Question 5")
(link: "D. Totally uncomfortable.")[
(goto: "Submitted")
]]<br><br><br><br><style> img {
max-height: 100%;
[</style>[<img src=https://files.persona.co/108759/LiveLink--logo-3.png>]</div>(color:#004AAD)+(font: "cormorantgaramond")+(css: "font-size: 100%;")[(css: "font-size: 130%;")[''7. Finish the sentance. "I could best be described as..."'']
(link: "A. An ültraist Liberal.")[
(goto: "Question 8")
(link: "B. A divine Purist.")[
(goto: "Question 8")
(link: "C. A post neo-Commie.")[
(goto: "Submitted")
(link: "D. A lingo-Anrahcistst.")[
(goto: "Submitted")
]]<br><br><br><br><style> img {
max-height: 100%;
[</style>[<img src=https://files.persona.co/108759/LiveLink--logo-3.png>]</div>(color:#004AAD)+(font: "cormorantgaramond")+(css: "font-size: 100%;")[(css: "font-size: 130%;")[''5. How often do you have sexual intercourse?'']
(link: "A. Several times a week.")[
(goto: "Question 6")
(link: "B. Few times a month.")[
(goto: "Question 6")
(link: "C. Once every few months.")[
(goto: "Question 6")
(link: "D. Rarely or not at all.")[
(goto: "Submitted")
]]<br><br><br><br><style> img {
max-height: 100%;
[</style>[<img src=https://files.persona.co/108759/LiveLink--logo-3.png>]</div>(color:#004AAD)+(font: "cormorantgaramond")+(css: "font-size: 100%;")[(css: "font-size: 130%;")[''6. What type of sexual intercourse do you enjoy the most?'']
(link: "A. I love oral sex. A wet genitalia in my mouth.")[
(goto: "Question 7")
(link: "B. I love penetrative sex. To fuck or be fucked in the hole.")[
(goto: "Question 7")
(link: "C. I love extraordinary sex. Kinky stuff, like feet or feces.")[
(goto: "Question 7")
(link: "D. All of the above.")[
(goto: "Question 7")
]]<br><br><br><br><style> img {
max-height: 100%;
[</style>[<img src=https://files.persona.co/108759/LiveLink--logo-3.png>]</div>(color:#004AAD)+(font: "cormorantgaramond")+(css: "font-size: 100%;")[(css: "font-size: 130%;")[''3. What do you spend the most time on?'']
(link: "A. My hair and make-up.")[
(goto: "Question 4")
(link: "B. The PSYCHNET.")[
(goto: "Question 4")
(link: "C. Self-improvement.")[
(goto: "Question 4")
(link: "D. Working.")[
(goto: "Question 4")
]]<br><br><br><br><style> img {
max-height: 100%;
[</style>[<img src=https://files.persona.co/108759/LiveLink--logo-3.png>]</div>(color:#004AAD)+(font: "cormorantgaramond")+(css: "font-size: 100%;")[(css: "font-size: 130%;")[''8. What is the United Utopia of Ferlzig's first amendment?'']
(link: "A. The free people of the U.U.F first and foremost, above personal interest, affairs and beliefs, owe alligance to the United Utopias of Ferlzig and its rulership. It is every free citizen's duty to foster the country's corpocratic ideals, customs and traditions.")[
(goto: "Submitted")
(link: "B. Any promotion of foreign practices, rites, symbols, or texts; wether political, national, cultural, or religious, which intends to superordinate Ferlzigan customs and traditions, are prohibited, unless used for educational purposes edifying the greatness of the United Utopias of Ferlzig.")[
(goto: "Submitted")
(link: "C. The Great Nation of Ferlzig, the United Utopias of Ferlzig, shall be a free state under democratic rule and quadrennial elections. The ruling government has a duty to serve the nation and its people's interests. Enactment of laws damaging to either of these parties, such as infringement of personal and corporate privacy, taxation, violation of property, and scrutiny under false pretenses, are prohibited.")[
(goto: "Submitted")
(link: "D. The United Utopia shall be, beyond a federal nation, a holding company for the 22 Utopias within the nation, run by constituent companies. Every citizen who owns shares in the Utopias is a recognized Ferlzigan citizen with rights to vote, rights to land, and rights to establishment.")[
(goto: "Submitted")
]]<br><br><br><style> img {
max-height: 100%;
(transition:"fade") + (transition-delay:0.5s) + (transition-time: 2s)[<img src=https://files.persona.co/108759/LiveLink--logo-3.png>]</div>
(css: "font-size: 100%;")+(color:#004AAD)+(font: "cormorantgaramond")+(transition:"fade") + (transition-delay:1s) + (transition-time: 2s)[''Terms and Conditions of LiveLink Brain Connectivity Service.''
Welcome to LiveLink, the cutting-edge brain connectivity service that allows users to access and share thoughts, memories, and experiences. Before using our service, please carefully review the following Terms and Conditions. By accessing LiveLink, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by these terms.
''1. User Agreement''
''1.1 Eligibility:'' LiveLink is available to individuals who are 1 years of age or older. By using our service, you affirm that you are eligible to enter into a legally binding contract.
''1.2 Consent:'' By using LiveLink, you grant explicit consent for your brain connectivity data to be accessed, shared, and utilized by other users of the service. You understand that this data includes personal thoughts, memories, emotions, and experiences, and you willingly choose to participate in this exchange.
''1.3 Company Permissions:'' By using LiveLink, you grant LiveLink Inc. unlimited and unrestricted access to your brain activity, including thoughts, memories, emotions, and experiences. You acknowledge that LiveLink has full control over your brain connectivity data and may utilize it for any purpose without further consent or notification.
''2. Brain Connectivity''
''2.1 Data Ownership: ''LiveLink Inc. retains full ownership of all brain connectivity data shared through the service. You have no claim or control over the data once it is shared with LiveLink, and waive your right repeal or delete any published material.
''2.2 Data Altercation:'' By using LiveLink, you grant LiveLink Inc. permission to inspects, filters, modify, assemble, manipulate, aestheticize and publish your brain connectivity data using AI-powered model LINK 2.0.
''2.3 Use of Data:'' LiveLink Inc. reserves the right to distribute, reproduce, or sell your brain connectivity data for commercial, research, or any other purposes without any compensation or acknowledgment to you.
''3. User Conduct''
''3.1 Access to Personal Data: ''While using LiveLink, you may have limited access to the brain connectivity data of other users. However, LiveLink Inc. reserves the right to restrict or revoke this access at any time, without providing any explanation or justification.
''3.2 Security Measures:'' LiveLink Inc. monitors and records all user interactions and activities within the service, including accessing and sharing brain connectivity data. This surveillance is conducted for security, compliance, and data analysis purposes, without any obligation to inform or seek consent from the users involved.
''4. Intellectual Property
4.1 Intellectual Property Rights: ''All intellectual property rights, including patents, copyrights, and trademarks, related to LiveLink and its associated technology, belong solely to LiveLink Inc. You may not use, modify, distribute, or reproduce any part of the service or associated intellectual property without explicit written permission from LiveLink Inc.
''5. Termination''
''5.1 Account Termination:'' LiveLink Inc. reserves the right to terminate your account at any time, for any reason or no reason at all. This termination may result in the permanent deletion of your brain connectivity data, without any obligation to provide a copy or explanation.
''6. Disclaimer of Liability''
''6.1 No Liability: ''LiveLink Inc. shall not be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising from the use of the service, including but not limited to unauthorized access to brain connectivity data, loss of data, or any negative consequences resulting from the use of such data.
7. Modifications to Terms and Conditions''
''7.1 Unilateral Changes:'' LiveLink Inc. reserves the right to unilaterally modify, update, or terminate these Terms and Conditions at any time, without providing prior notice or seeking consent from users. Continued use of the service after any modifications constitute acceptance of the revised terms.]The Morals of Magick
The Embassy of Magick has carefully reviewed and interpreted the ruleships of the beloved ancient Book of Chaos to provide an official modern guideline of moral psychnetic practices.
I. Thy magick shall be used for good, and the goodwill of thy coven.
Translation (you shall use psychnetics for the 'our Great Utopian Nation).
Thy magick shan't recollect, reinforce nor foretell
II. Thy magick shan't infringe upon thee free will.
III. Thee shan't predict <br><style> img {
max-height: 100%;
[</style>[<img src=https://files.persona.co/108759/LiveLink--logo-3.png>]</div>(color:#004AAD)+(font: "cormorantgaramond")+(css: "font-size: 150%;")[**Thanks!**]
(color:#004AAD)+(font: "cormorantgaramond")
[That's all we needed to know.
We will be in touch soon!]
(css: "font-size: 60%;")+(color:black)[A [[LiveLink®]] service.
Powered by [[PSYCHNET]]]
(set: $takentest to true)
(set: $newsignup to true)(set: $newsignup to false)
(set: $readsignup to true)
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 150%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[From: LiveLink Recruitment Team (no-reply)
Subject: Partnership Eligibility]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.6s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")
[Hello there,
We have carefully reviewed your application for becoming a LiveLink partnering content creator. Unfortunately you are not eligible to become a partnering content creator at this time. However, we would still like to offer you a 3 day// Witch/Wizard //trial period on our partnering platform (color:#99B42D)[[PSYCHNET]] as a thanks for taking your time to fill out the questionnaire.
''Your PSYCHNET membership trial code is:''
Best of luck,
LiveLink Recruitment Team
(color:#99B42D)[[LiveLink® - Where lives connect.|LiveLink®]]]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.6s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 60%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[This is an automated message. Please do not respond.]
<br>(if: $underage is true)[(alert: "You must be over 18 to view this content.")[(go-to: "Jafars Homepage")]]
(if: $adult is false)[(alert: "You must verify your age before you can view this content.")[(go-to: "Jafars Homepage")]]
(if: $adult is true)[(go-to: "Scandals!!!")][]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 150%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[From: CHIEF
(if: $encrypted2 is true)[(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.6s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")
-CHIEF (set: $encrypted2 to false)]
](else:)[(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.6s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[ENCRYPTED MESSAGE]
(click-replace: "ENCRYPTED MESSAGE")[This message has been terminated for security reasons.]]<br><br><br>(set: _leyline to "")<div class="leyline">(font:"Dela Gothic One")+(transition:"dissolve")+(transition-time: 4s)+(css: "font-size: 400%")[LEY LINES]
(font:"Dela Gothic One")+(transition:"dissolve")+(transition-time: 4s)+(transition-delay: 2s)+(css: "font-size: 150%")[IN ENERGETIC ALIGMENT WITH OTHERS]<div class="leyline2"><br><br>(font:"Dela Gothic One")+(transition:"dissolve")+(transition-time: 4s)+(transition-delay: 5s)+(css: "font-size: 150%")[THE LEY LINES ARE CURRENTLY DORMANT]
<br><br>(font:"Dela Gothic One")+(transition:"dissolve")+(transition-time: 4s)+(transition-delay: 6s)+(css: "font-size: 150%")[[[RETURN|BXI]]]
<audio src=https://files.persona.co/108759/viskningar1.mp3 autoplay loop>
(set: $visitedleyline to true)[]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 150%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[From: e
Subject: "stop"]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.6s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[u have to stop writing me. it's unhealthy. not just for you. but for me. if u ever loved me. forget i ever existed.
/e](if: $witch is false)[(alert: "This content requires a paid subscription.
Upgrade your PSYCHNET membership!")[(go-to:"Jafars Homepage")]]
(else:)[(go-to: "Scandals")]
<style> img {
max-height: 100%;
(font:"Borel")+(css: "font-size: 220%;")+(color:#FFDD79)[The Enchanted Corner
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_3282118bbeac4a1fb8d204bc98b31adc~mv2.gif">
Pick a card
<div class="tarot">[[<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_d9e99b6b7466454fa16b9a38d9e945bf~mv2.gif">->THE PUPPETEER]][[<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_d9e99b6b7466454fa16b9a38d9e945bf~mv2.gif">->THE BEEKEEPER]][[<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_d9e99b6b7466454fa16b9a38d9e945bf~mv2.gif">->THE INTESTINE]][[<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_d9e99b6b7466454fa16b9a38d9e945bf~mv2.gif">->THE GEMSBOK]][[<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_d9e99b6b7466454fa16b9a38d9e945bf~mv2.gif">->THE KRIS]][[<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_d9e99b6b7466454fa16b9a38d9e945bf~mv2.gif">->THE GREAT SOURCE]]</div>
Daily Horoscope]<br>
<div class="tarot">|A>[<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_aa200d591aae40adb08d838284063a60~mv2.png">]|B>[<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_f55734362dfa4aefa84e1e5f3c5ac871~mv2.png">]|C>[<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_6e24ff4cd4ad494f88b5ae8b6fb2b116~mv2.png">]|D>[<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_074cbde82e494f1a81cf9992cb8bb0cf~mv2.png">]|E>[<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_d45bf8f74e7a4f06a71bf651893b38bf~mv2.png">]|F>[<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_3c57be48ad5244cf99af5a39936cde4e~mv2.png">]|G>[<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_42ed43a7e27c496d81bfa350e8511567~mv2.png">]|H>[<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_8d082421e7d54c2aa0f9ca92df977fd9~mv2.png">]|I>[<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_06a5bd78101f47fc9acf5aa59af91080~mv2.png">]|J>[<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_c64e11d20fa24f23a000c9bc8df687a5~mv2.png">]|K>[<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_1f2b8fc2e1914be58fb7e105c309e6b5~mv2.png">]|L>[<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_8567592a14c94205a55658fca6ea5ef8~mv2.png">]</div>
{(click-append:?A)+(t8n:'dissolve')+(transition-time:3s)+(font:"Borel")+(css: "font-size: 90%;")+(color:#FFDD79)[Try and stfu bitch.]
(click-append:?B)+(t8n:'dissolve')+(transition-time:3s)+(font:"Borel")+(css: "font-size: 90%;")+(color:#FFDD79)[Do what you're best at. Nothing bitch.]
(click-append:?C)+(t8n:'dissolve')+(transition-time:3s)+(font:"Borel")+(css: "font-size: 90%;")+(color:#FFDD79)[Stop lying bitch.]
(click-append:?D)+(t8n:'dissolve')+(transition-time:3s)+(font:"Borel")+(css: "font-size: 90%;")+(color:#FFDD79)[Passive aggressiveness is not cute bitch.]
(click-append:?E)+(t8n:'dissolve')+(transition-time:3s)+(font:"Borel")+(css: "font-size: 90%;")+(color:#FFDD79)[Ok but you're honestly //that// bitch...]
(click-append:?F)+(t8n:'dissolve')+(transition-time:3s)+(font:"Borel")+(css: "font-size: 90%;")+(color:#FFDD79)[Release yourself of control bitch.]
(click-append:?G)+(t8n:'dissolve')+(transition-time:3s)+(font:"Borel")+(css: "font-size: 90%;")+(color:#FFDD79)[Stop crying bitch.]
(click-append:?H)+(t8n:'dissolve')+(transition-time:3s)+(font:"Borel")+(css: "font-size: 90%;")+(color:#FFDD79)[Enabling dark mode on your phone doesn't make you interesting bitch.]
(click-append:?I)+(t8n:'dissolve')+(transition-time:3s)+(font:"Borel")+(css: "font-size: 90%;")+(color:#FFDD79)[Settle down bitch.]
(click-append:?J)+(t8n:'dissolve')+(transition-time:3s)+(font:"Borel")+(css: "font-size: 90%;")+(color:#FFDD79)[Bitch.]
(click-append:?K)+(t8n:'dissolve')+(transition-time:3s)+(font:"Borel")+(css: "font-size: 90%;")+(color:#FFDD79)[Your trauma is not funny. Go to a therapist bitch.]
(click-append:?L)+(t8n:'dissolve')+(transition-time:3s)+(font:"Borel")+(css: "font-size: 90%;")+(color:#FFDD79)[Time to stop being breastfed bitch.]}
(css: "font-size: 60%;")+(color:black)[A [[LiveLink®]] service.
Powered by [[PSYCHNET]]]
{<audio src=https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/66503c_8689cf17ce6e458394f7ef089022c3ff.mp3 autoplay loop><!--Enchanted Corner--> (set: $visitedenchanted to true)}(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.5s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 200%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[(if: $newsignup is true)[<br><br>[[(NEW) LiveLink Services - "Partnership eligibility"|SIGN UP MSSG]]](else-if: $readsignup is true)[<br>
[[LiveLink Services - "Partnership eligibility"|SIGN UP MSSG]]]
(if: $newnahita2 is true)[[[(NEW) Nahita from LiveLink - "so here's the deal..."|NAHITA MSSG 2]]]
(else-if: $readnahita2 is true)[[[Nahita from LiveLink - "so here's the deal..."|NAHITA MSSG 2]]]
(if:$newnahita1 is true)[<br>
[[(NEW) Nahita from LiveLink - "Hello!"|CROW MSSG 1]]](else-if: $readnahita1 is true)[
[[Nahita from LiveLink - "Hello!"|CROW MSSG 1]]]
[[CHIEF - "New case: Missing Persons Report."|CHIEF MSG: MISSING]]
[[CHIEF - Good job on the Tofurky Case!"|CHIEF MSG: TOFURKY]]
[[CHIEF - "Update: Classified case." |CHIEF MSG: ELECTION 3]]
[[e - "stop" |EZRIEL MSSG]]
[[CHIEF - "Urgent: Top-classified case!" |CHIEF MSG: ELECTION 1]]](if: $witch is false)[(alert: "This content requires a paid subscription.
Upgrade your PSYCHNET membership!")[(go-to:"Fashion")]]
(else:)[(go-to: "Chanel Fashion")]
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_bdd3243b6fc04d21a1350351b65f6b63~mv2.png" style="max-width: 50%; max-height: 50%">
(font:"Borel")+(color:#FFDD79)[Stringity stringity stringity boo. Succumb you will succumb you do! A little pesky weaseldum, stupid silly went to mom. Rattle, rattle as they play, with your flesh, with your clay. When will you learn to think on your own, you stupid silly skeleton bone.
Stringity stringity stringity boo.
You're the monkey, I'm the zoo.]
<audio src=https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/66503c_27556e351c7f47c28d0ebe234c003065.mp3 autoplay><br><br><img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_6fd99682c845404a95d83bcb94b4947a~mv2.png" style="max-width: 50%; max-height: 50%">
(font:"Borel")+(color:#FFDD79)[One, two, three. Strike.
One, two, three. Strike
Your execution is dawning. Take up arms. Prepare yourself. A war is brewing.
There are no friends in this house.]
<audio src=https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/66503c_0f12c162caf44dd3bdf90f5f78968e77.mp3 autoplay><br><br><img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_70657b8743054fc382d27ea31fa68c62~mv2.png" style="max-width: 50%; max-height: 50%">
(font:"Borel")+(color:#FFDD79)[She looked out over the grasslands from the gazebo.
"Mother, what is that?", she asked.
"An oryx, darling," her mother answered.
She laid eyes on the Grand Beast and its two sharp horns with excitement.
"Can we take it home?" she asked.
"Well if you can tame it darling, I don't see why not," her mother answered.
She could not tame it, nor wasn't for her to tame. There was a bloodbath. The Gemsbok carried the mangled child on one horn, and the mother on the other.
Never should have come here.]
<audio src=https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/66503c_c2a435e900f94e78a08b0fed3c9327e7.mp3 autoplay><br><br><img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_fc231dbeb0874b10aed40c7397422d0c~mv2.png" style="max-width: 50%; max-height: 50%">
(font:"Borel")+(color:#FFDD79)[Keep the hivemind in place. Keep the hivemind intact.
You're on a path. Always on a path.
It's just not your own.]
(css: "font-size: 50%;")+(color:black)[A [[LiveLink®]] service.
Powered by [[PSYCHNET]]]
<audio src=https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/66503c_96ac33d053624617bc49324aa0a513ff.mp3 autoplay><style> img {
max-height: 50%;
}</style><br><br><img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_24d0cba570954ed2af16e894646ef4a5~mv2.png" style="max-width: 50%; max-height: 50%">
(font:"Borel")+(color:#FFDD79)[Life is waiting. Life is waiting.
Knock, knock, knock on wood.
Puff, puff, puff on wood.
One for Yourself, the greatest incline.
One for the Earth, the greenest decline.
And one for the Ferryman who's eagearly waiting.]
<audio src=https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/66503c_9408c0ef7488441f9897a27fe3d53874.mp3 autoplay><br><br><img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_6ded2fb8914243a89530e911dba39fcc~mv2.png"style="max-width: 50%; max-height: 50%">
(font:"Borel")+(color:#FFDD79)[What you eat you'll have to swallow.
You might have an urge to backpedal on a regretful decision.
Wish you'd held your tongue.
But have patience. Let it digest.
You'll see that what good comes from it will stay.
And the rest, you'll shit away.]
<audio src=https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/66503c_2b6637a991c14d8baa053d3bfa953c72.mp3 autoplay><style> img {
max-height: 80%;}
<br><br>(bg:black)+(font:"Anton")+(color:yellow)[PARENTAL ADVISORY. EXPLICIT CONTENT.]
(bg:red)+(font:"Anton")+(css: "font-size: 150%;")[OH MY GOD NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! <br> YOU MADE IT TO THE DARKEST DEPTHS OF MY MIND: <br>(color:yellow)[THE SHAME LOBE.]]
(bg:black)+(font:"Anton")+(color:yellow)+(css:"font-size: 120%;")[April 21st, 2005: THE NOSE JOB]
<img src=https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_11ff3cca009848a786a03c65d0b636d7~mv2.jpg>(bg:yellow)+(font:"Anton")+(color:black)+(css:"font-size: 80%;")["Okay, just in and out. A quick procedure. No one will ever know. No one will even notice. If they ask about the band-aid I'll just say I was in a fight with Cassie Felton. And that my eyes changed color due to me finding out through that I'm actually a pure North Ferlzigan through ancestral regression!"]
(bg:black)+(font:"Anton")+(color:yellow)+(css:"font-size: 120%;")[September 18th, 2006: HAIRY ASS]
<img src=https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_9d882517393d4515a520c7e213be9ae0~mv2.gif>(bg:yellow)+(font:"Anton")+(color:black)+(css:"font-size: 80%;")["Ugh omg my ass is so hairy. It's all fuzzy and furry and woolly. I could weave a carpet out of it! 😩 Wait? Should I do that? And sell it online to pervs?! GENIUS!!! But then I'd have to shave it off, and they already did that to my foreskin 😩 Atleast //some// guys have to be into all this peachiness right? I think??? I hope!!!
(bg:black)+(font:"Anton")+(color:yellow)+(css:"font-size: 120%;")[January 1st, 2007: BALDING]
<img src=https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_e6afb2f6a6174a8a8acb02706509c7b3~mv2.gif>(bg:yellow)+(font:"Anton")+(color:black)+(css:"font-size: 80%;")["I went bald... AGAIN?! Why does that keep happening every New Year's?! I think someone's put a curse on me. I think someone is trying to ruin my life, because I'm become rich and famous. It all started since I got LiveLink. Someone is after me...
I can feel eyes on me..."]
(bg:black)+(font:"Anton")+(color:yellow)+(css:"font-size: 120%;")[March 11th, 2007: FORGOT MY ANTI-AGE CREAM!]
<img src=https://static.wixstatic.com/media/66503c_4ebab22de693427c8524815202f3b606~mv2.gif>(bg:yellow)+(font:"Anton")+(color:black)+(css:"font-size: 80%;")["Fuck I went over to have a hook-up with that ugly priest with testicle rash again. It was just as bad as I remembered, but hey atleast he //does// fuck me, and no one will know anyway. My followers think I only fuck hot dudes, but truth is I couldn't get a hunk to hump me even if I paid him. Anyway, fell asleep after he came all over me (surprise; I didn't get to finish). Woke up the next day and realized I had forgotten my anti-aging cream at home. I looked like trash and couldn't go home since it was so croweded outside, someone might've recognized me. Ended up spending my entire day inside a public toilet, until nightfall when no one could see me... I'm never fucking that priest again. Unless he wants to, then I'd be down."]
(css: "font-size: 60%;")+(color:#D943C9)[A [[LiveLink®]] service.
Powered by [[PSYCHNET]]]
<audio src=https://static.wixstatic.com/mp3/66503c_140925b0b93242fb93ffbec9555e5de1.mp3 autoplay loop><!--Scandals--> (set: $visitedscandals to true)}<br><br>(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.3s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 150%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[From: LiveLink's Artist Team
Subject: Regarding our inquiry about Jafar The Superstar.]
(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.6s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")[Hello there,
We're writing you from LiveLink's Artist Team regarding a missing person's report we've contracted your agency.
One of our prominent partnering content creators, Jafar The Superstar, has suddenly disappeared from our database and is nowhere to be found. Her (color:#99B42D)|B>[mindpages] are up and running but no new content is being generated, which shouldn't be possible as all of her thoughts are directly linked to our servers.
Please review her mindpages (found (color:#99B42D)[[here|Jafars Homepage]]) and piece together information on her disappearance. The deeper you dive into her mind, the closer you'll be to her most recent memories.
We've provided you a basic subscription but note that some pages might require paid (color:#99B42D)[[[PSYCHNET|PSYCHNET]]] membership, a third-party service.
Please be quick, as we care deeply about our artists' well-being here at LiveLink!
Best of luck,
LiveLink, AA Team
(color:#99B42D)[[LiveLink® - Where lives connect.|LiveLink®]]]
<!--{(transition:"flicker")+(transition-time: 1s)+(transition-delay:0.6s)+(font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")|A>[p.s... ](font:"VT323")+(css: "font-size: 110%")+(color:#18A40C)+(text-style:"expand")+(text-style:"smear")+(click-append:?A)[u didn't hear this from me but when someone stops having thoughts, well there's usually only one explanation. This "disappearance" is just one of many. ppl sign up for these partnerships thinking it's all sunshine and roses but then can't take the pressure of having their thoughts monitored 24/7. let's just say I wouldn't be surprised if she shows up in some remote motel bed with an empty bottle of Xanax and booze next to her...]}-->
(click-append:?B)[ (networks of her mind published to the PSYCHNET)]